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Tawau Airport (TWU) Taxi Service

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 Official Tawau Airport Taxi Service


Official Tawau Airport Taxi Rates & Fares

Tawau Airport taxi rates given here are in the local currency (MYR or Malaysian Ringgit). Use our currency converter or the cheat sheet to the left if you would like to convert to your currency. Drivers will also accept US Dollars

  • Taxi from the TWU Tawau Airport to town will cost about MYR 40-45 per taxi to the town centre and will take approximately 30 minutes. To places further away such as SMK Kuhara and SMK St. Patrick, the fare is MYR 55.

    If you are intending to get to Semporna from the TWU Tawau Airport then catch an overland taxi for MYR 150 or you can book a shared minivan for approximately MYR 40.

Tawau Taxi Payment: Cash
Drivers will also accept US Dollars
Tipping optional: 5-10%

Official Tawau Airport Taxi Details

Tawau Airport Taxi

Tawau Airport taxi photo

Passengers may purchase taxi coupons from the taxi counter at TWU Tawau Airport for transportation into Tawau, SMK Kuhara, SMK St. Patrick as well as Semporna.

 Tawau Airport Taxi Scams

Some cabs will tell you that there are no budget cabs available to try to convince you to take a premium taxi. Occasionally this is true, especially near midnight when the tariff jumps and cabs won't take jobs for half an hour or so before midnight.


While you are largely protected from unscrupulous taxi drivers by the pre-paid taxi ticket system at Tawau Airport, here are some Malaysian taxi scams to be aware of while in the city:

  • Driver refuses to take you where you want (tip: don't tell the driver your destination before you get in the car)
  • Driver refuses to turn the meter on and quotes a rate, usually high 
  • Driver refuses to make change (expect this, and carry small bills)

 More Tawau Airport Transfer & Airport Connection Options

Last Updated: 28 Jun 2023