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Bloemfontein Airport (BFN) Taxi Service

Bloemfontein Airport car rentalHave your own freedom once at Bloemfontein Airport and rent your own car. Find our best BFN Bloemfontein Airport Car Rental Deals.
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 Official Bloemfontein Airport Taxi Service


Official Bloemfontein Airport Taxi Recommendations

IHateTaxis.com recommends the official Bloemfontein Airport taxi service.

This is a safe and convenient form of transport from Bloemfontein Airport.

(Read More about Official Bloemfontein Airport Taxis Below)
** Be aware that unofficial or pirate taxis operate at Bloemfontein Airport and we have given them different safety recommendations as discussed below.

Official Bloemfontein Airport Taxi Rates & Fares

Bloemfontein Airport taxi rates given here are in the local currency (ZAR or South African Rand). Use our currency converter or the cheat sheet to the left if you would like to convert to your currency. Note that Bloemfontein Airport taxi rates given here are for official taxis and unofficial or pirate taxis (discussed below) may be different.

  • Taxi fares range between ZAR 120 to the city centre and ZAR 160-180 to areas such as Laangevan Park and Hewelsig.

Bloemfontein Taxi Payment: Cash only
Bloemfontein Taxi Tipping Recommendation: Tipping recommended, 10%

Official Bloemfontein Airport Taxi Details

There are official Bloemfontein Airport taxis operating from just outside the Bloemfontein Airport building.

 Unofficial Bloemfontein Airport Taxi Service or Hire Points


Beukes Taxi is an unofficial Bloemfontein Airport taxi service which can be pre-booked. They are not allowed to operate directly outside the Bloemfontein Airport's terminal.

 Pirate Bloemfontein Airport Taxi Serivce


Unofficial or pirate Bloemfontein Airport taxis do operate at Bloemfontein Airport, although efforts have been made to discourage them.

IHateTaxis.com does not recommend the pirate Bloemfontein Airport taxi service.

Pirate taxis are those where there is no meter and discrepancies can occur between your initial quoted price and the price upon arrival. Personal safety concerns can exist in unofficial taxis, notably robberies and other more serious crimes. Make sure the taxi you using has the ACSA logo imprinted on it.

 More Bloemfontein Airport Transfer & Airport Connection Options

Last Updated: 19 Aug 2023