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Irkutsk Airport (IKT) Taxi Service

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 Official Irkutsk Airport Taxi Service


Official Irkutsk Airport Taxi Rates & Fares

Irkutsk Airport taxi rates given here are in the local currency (RUB or Russian Rouble). Use our currency converter or the cheat sheet to the left if you would like to convert to your currency. Note that Irkutsk Airport taxi rates given here are for official taxis and unofficial or pirate taxis (discussed below) may be different. Drivers will also accept US Dollars.

  • The taxi from the airport to the city centre costs about RUB 100 or USD 3.

Irkutsk Taxi Payment: Cash
Drivers will also accept US Dollars.
Tipping optional: 5-10%

Official Irkutsk Airport Taxi Details

Taxis are available outside of the IKT Irkutsk Airport Arrivals hall. It is only a 15 minute ride journey.

 Unofficial Irkutsk Airport Taxi Service or Hire Points


Every private vehicle you see effectively acts as a taxi if the price is right.

IHateTaxis.com has a mixed recommendation on the unofficial Irkutsk Airport taxi service.
Use your discretion to decide whether it is safe to ride with them or not. Here are some tips to consider:

  • Do not get into a vehicle with a passenger already in it
  • The shabbier the car, the less price the driver will ask for the ride
  • Make arrangements about the ride cost with the driver before you get in and pay only in RUB

 Irkutsk Airport Taxi Scams

As in most places in Russia, taxi drivers tend to quote excessively high fares to non-Russian tourists. Make sure you clarify the reasonable rate before getting into the taxi (including writing it down) to avoid confusion and conflict later on.

 More Irkutsk Airport Transfer & Airport Connection Options

Last Updated: 21 Jun 2023